*********Cliffnotes to "the Why's" available at page bottom****************
Sitting in the car driving back from San Francisco, many things were racing through our minds. We had just had our visas for Brazil flatly rejected, and as much as we tried to stop them, the questions kept swirling around refusing to go away. At that point we didn't know why our visas had been rejected, or for what reason. Was it God pointing us another direction, did He have something better up his sleeve? And if so, why didn't he just tell us? Why didn't he just direct our hearts before we went through all of this. What purpose did he have in bringing us to Brazil in the first place if we weren't to go back? But the questions just kept coming. The "why's" that sooner or later all of us ask.
Walking by faith by definition means following God's call without all of these questions answered. It is not blind or naive, it's just a faith that acknowledges that God is God and I am not, and that He is directing this life. But those questions do come.
To be honest we've been asking those questions since we arrived in Brazil last year. We came to pilot the eXtreme Walk program. We came with a heart for recruitment, and Brazil was kind of a means to an end. It was a foot in the door, a real mission experience. It was to be fuel for the recruitment fire. A well of real mission experience that we could draw from in answering questions and concerns of potential missionaries. Now don't get me wrong, the country and the people are great, and there is always a need for Christ where ever one goes, But we came for recruitment. Once we arrive however, our hearts we torn. Why Brazil, why now? More of those 'why's."
These why's continue as when we ride our bikes down the main street leading to our house. Every time we return from our Portuguese classes, or running errands downtown we pass about 7 different protestant churches, each with it's own small congregation, each with it's own light in this community, and we ask why here, why now. There are parts of Brazil that need the light of the Gospel, that have no witness, why have You put us in Londrina that already seems so saturated? But in faith we walk on.
Though that first decision that pushes us over the threshold where we can say with certainty that we have began walking by faith, is often a difficult step to take, the steps that follow can get easier. But behind this walk, this journey, the "why's" often scream for our attention. They try minimally to trick you to take your eyes off of the savior and at worst, have you take complete control back into your own hands.
But for us, and for me in particular, the why's lead to a lack of vision. Proverbs says that without vision the people parish. While we weren't perishing where we were, we did lack a sense of purpose. For some time I've been trying to perceive why Marla and I are here, and what specific contribution we can have to the Church here in Londrina, and here in Brazil. What strategic relevance can we have here? What is our purpose? And in faith, we've walked on.
It isn't that Brazil, or Londrina, or even our street is without it's share of spiritual need, the need remains great. Though we have many churches, they are mostly filled with women and children. There are plenty of guys and men of God who also attend but it often is very disproportionate. Marla and I jokingly wonder how anybody ever meets and gets married because all the girls go to church, and all the boys go to the bars.
In terms of church growth and people movements Brazil right now is a very exciting place to be. Though today somewhere about 30% are protestant evangelical believers, and if current trends continue the experts say that all of Brazil will become protestant in X number of years. Spiritually it kind a exciting. It feels like it must of felt in America back in the days of Lewis and Clark. Like our country felt destined to stretch from sea to shinning sea, the Church here in Brazil feels destined to reach the whole nation with the saving news of Jesus Christ. This goal, this desire is printed on T-shirts, and written on bumper stickers, it feels destined to happen.
Of course reaching this goal is dependant on evangelism, and our church here in Londrina is doing it's part. But for me, evangelism isn't enough. I don't know, maybe it was my own experiences in the church growing up, at times watching Christianity being a thing you do, not a relationship that defines who you are. Maybe it was watching friends of mine that I grew up with in church who never had deep roots, wander and get lost along the way. I think of how being in the country of Rwanda affected me. Hearing the horrendous stories from the genocides in the 90's; how neighbor rose against neighbor to butcher one another, and then to hear this happened in a "Christian" country.
It's been said of Africa that Christianity is a mile wide, and an inch deep. So for me, as the Church in Brazil continues to gather momentum, I have a burden and a passion for helping people grow in Christ. Where Jesus isn't simply incorporated into who they are, but changes and heals them completely. To help them be rooted in the word. To watch them be able to stand when times and temptations get tough. And to be able to help them to grow and contribute to what God is doing here and around the world. And all this starts one person at a time.
The need for discipleship is great. My experiences here last year, at least in our church, showed me that while churches may be filling up, the depth of relationship, and a working knowledge of the Word of God is lacking; in some cases desperately lacking.
So I guess I'm starting to see a purpose, a "why" if you will, as we once again start jumping back into things here at the church. There are so many places to plug in where this passion can be actualized and fleshed out. So far we've been asked to help disciple and lead discussions in a class about the basics of Christianity, to develop and guide a youth program, to plan and carry out a women's ministry, to start and oversee a soccer ministry, and help with the children's ministry and visitations. And with all this, our calendars are not yet full.
To be honest, it's been fun to be a part of this church as it begins. Ideally it's kind of been a blank slate. A place where together we can dream, pray and plan. Where we can, as a church body, can begin to recognize in each other the passions God has placed in each one of us; and enjoy a freedom to explore and develop those passion for His purpose. Slowly beginning to see how He has been fitting us together all along. Finding that in doing such, the "why's," at least for this phase, begin to fade away.
As I now start to finish up this e-mail, I realize that there are mothers who will be reading this. Those of you who would enjoy hearing stories of how 15 month old Isabella, with her curly hair barely gathered in a tiny ponytail smack on the top of her head, has discovered that if she can make it up the stairs of the platform as Diogo preaches she can smile at the whole congregation at the same time. Or those of you who would like see pictures of Marla, hear stories from her how entering the second trimester is going, and know how she is feeling. But rest assured those stories and reports are coming, but will just have to wait for now. For now I'd like to give a few prayer request before we sign off. #1. Continued good health for Marla and wisdom and help in finding a good doctor here. #2. For our church, and it's leadership. #3. Our Portuguese to grow and increase in leaps and bounds. Thank you for those of you who have shared with us your prayer requests, as it's been a joy to join you in lifting those burdens toward heaven. And as always, we want to thank each of you for letting us be a part of your team.
in Him, for Him,
Micah and Marla......(and peanut too)
*************Cliffnotes: "the Why's"***************************************
In this e-mail I wrote about the doubts that we all have in following God. Whether it be here in Brazil, or a small town in middle America walking by faith is hard. I wrote specifically about some of the doubts that we had in coming to Brazil, and questions we had about the role God had for us. Then I began to share how God has been revealing to me how we fit into this puzzle here. It's been great to see how the burdens and passions that God has put in our hearts can compliment what others have already done here. I wrote briefly about some of the activities we'll be involved in here including youth ministry, women's ministry, children's ministry, a soccer ministry and visitations. I finished with a couple prayer requests which were as follows:
1. continued good health for Marla as she enters her second trimester
2. for our church and it's leadership
3. for our grasp of Portuguese to grow by leaps and bounds
thanks again
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