Friday, February 27, 2009

Nov. 19, 2005 - November Update

************No Cliffnotes: Marla writes about her expiriences***************

Brazil... For me this word always invoked primordial images of grass huts buried deep in a dripping jungle, with scantily clad children running about and a woman cooking at an open fire while a man returns from the jungle with fresh monkey slung over his shoulder... So it was a pleasant (if a tiny bit disappointing) surprise to find that the part of Brazil where we live is not at all like that. However there are plenty of differences between home and here, and as we visit more and more homes of Brazilians we continue to discover new and more subtle differences... for example...flip flops in Brazil have more than the traditional use as when a child misbehaves, mom simply reaches down and whips off her flip flop to serve as a paddle. They also make a very handy bug swatter and you can see evidence of this in many homes. The dusty flip flop print on the wall or ceiling is a sure giveaway.

We find it hard to believe that three months have almost passed since we arrived in Brazil. The store windows have
Christmas displays now and people are planning what to do for their summer holiday. (remember Brazil has opposite
seasons from the states) It's a bit strange to start thinking about Christmas when the days are reaching 95 degrees, the mango trees are laden with fruit and there isn't a sweater in sight. We'll certainly miss having a white Christmas this year, but look forward to learning the traditions and customs of families here. Also Micah's brother, Aaron is coming from Alaska to spend the holidays with us. We're very excited to have him come and have been making lists(and checking them twice=) of all the things we want to do while he is here. Our first Brazilian Christmas should be a very fun and memorable time.

In past e-mail we've asked you to pray about our role here, what ministries to become involved in, which relationships to pursue on a deeper level and for God's leading as we become more a part of our church. Being the first extreme walkers in Brazil we have had weekly meeting with our team leader/pastor about how to be more involved, and God is opening doors. Thank you for your prayers! Our church is only about a year old and many of the leaders and members are very new believers. They are excited about what God has done and is doing in their lives and they are passionate about serving Him. Because they are such new Christians many of them have a lot of questions about the Bible and Christianity. They do not have much experience with church and they are like sponges, wanting to soak up everything. This has opened up avenues for us to begin discipling several people. Micah is meeting with two guys individually for discipleship and is very excited about developing these relationships. He is also part of a small group of guys who want to begin a youth ministry for our church. Along with planning and starting youth work this group is going to be meeting weekly as an accountability group. Micah is really looking forward to how God will work in hearts and lives through this time together. The guys are so gung-ho, excited and full of creative ideas, they can hardly wait to get started. Micah loves their passion and motivation, but he also wants to help them start something quality and lasting, built on a solid foundations and to help train them so that they can teach and train others. Prayers for wisdom, patience and sensitivity to God's leading are needed for this group as they get started growing, learning and ministering together. Please pray also for these guys. The concept of accountability here is very new, it's potential is powerfull and the enemy knows it. So please pray for the protection of these guys.

I'm meeting weekly with Sonia, a new believer in our church, to build a friendship and also for discipleship. She and I hit it off the first time we met and it's been a joy to get to know her more these last few weeks. She arrives at our gate on Friday afternoons, claps loudly (the equivalent of ringing the doorbell) and has her Portuguese/English dictionary in hand. We spend an hour or so visiting, talking about our walk with the Lord and praying together. There is another thing that I have on my heart and I'm asking you to pray along with me about this. A group of about four girls ages 13-16 come to church fairly regularly. They come as a group, not with their families. From all I have learned they are girls who do not have stable home lives, they live in a rougher neighborhood and are at a critical age and place in their lives. They like to dance and come to be a part of the dance and drama ministry. The few times I've talked with them my heart has stirred, they have such a hunger in their eyes. I've been praying about meeting with them in a mentoring role. I'm not sure what these meetings should look like, and I'm a bit intimidated to lead them at all with my limited and halting Portuguese. But God keeps putting them on my heart...Please pray that I will have clear direction about when and how to begin building deeper relationships with them. I've also been asked to be a part of the children's ministry on Sat. afternoons, this will begin next week.

Micah has been asked to teach at the service Sat. evening Dec.3rd and your prayers for this time would be so appreciated. He hopes to speak in Portuguese as much as possible and not have to use a translator very much. He's preparing to teach about prayer.

We also have been so blessed by our relationship with our team leader, Diogo. Today is his 24th birthday, he is young, but is doing a great job. Like Micah says "he has a good head on his shoulders." Both Micah and I have a lot of respect for him and feel that a large part of our ministry here is to encourage, and come along side Diogo and his fiance Beatrice. Unfortunately many times pastors have a hard time finding a "safe" place to just be themselves, to be encouraged, challenged and held accountable. For a variety of reasons they do not feel like they can let down and be vulnerable with people at church. Our relationship with Diogo and Bea is growing and it is a "safe" place to have fun and laugh together and to share struggles and cry together. Micah and Diogo will be meeting together weekly for personal accountability and prayer.

It is quite exciting to see God moving in the lives of our new friends here and in our own lives. Your faithful prayers are a source of strength and encouragement to us more than you could possibly know. Thank you for being such an important part of our team, for giving of your time in prayer and of your resources in support. Our hope is that through these e-mail you can catch a glimpse of how God is working through you here in Brazil.

in Him,
Micah and Marla

PS, the attached picture is of Micah (in the blue), our team leader and pastor Diogo (facing the group), and one of the guys Micah is discipling Carlinhos (other black shirt) in the front of our sanctuary.

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