****************Cliffnotes available at post bottom*****************************
Well the craziness of Carnaval ended yesterday, and we are left a little sleep drepived, and a house that is in desperate need of cleaning. God has been good, and alot of good things have been happening. The very act of writting them down in the form of an email often helps us remember what God has brought us through.
I beleive the last electronic chapter we sent requested prayer concerning our future, well those prayers have been receiving progressive answers. After much prayer and council we feel a peace and excitement about returning to work another year here in Brasil. Right now we are planning on returning to work with the same church as well as help mentor and facilitate the next group of eXtreme Walkers who will be coming to Brazil this fall. Much prayer went into this decision, and we thank you for your investment of times in intersession. Quite honestly we are very excited about having another year here, and the people we have talked to about it are very excited as well. I used "progressive answers" because we don't want your prayers to stop in this area. There are still alot of details that need worked out. Everything from funding to the storage of this house while we are gone. From the details and paperwork at headquarters to getting new visas to retaining our Portuguese for the 3.5 months we'll be in the States this summer. And then the summer schedual...... Awh... It can be mind boggling if you let it, but as Isaiah 30:15 says "In returning and rest you shall be saved; and in quietness and hope shall be your strength." So we will continue in quietness and hope, still knowing that our diligence is required, but having the confidence that He will open the doors when His time is perfect.
You all also prayed for Marla in her time of sharing with the ladies. These prayers were answered as well, and I'll let her tell it in her own words....
Once a month all the ladies from our church get together for a time of fellowship and food. This last time they asked me to share a little devotional with the ladies. I prayed about this opportunity and about what God wanted shared and felt led to talk about God's desire for a relationship with us, about Him pursuing us and His longing for us to choose Him. That Friday night there were about 20 ladies sitting in the circle out front of the house. We started with a time of worship and prayer and then I shared. I'd translated the first couple mintues or so into portuguese and with all my practicing before hand and the grace of God I think they understood most of what I said. Then I was assisted by Gwen Pinkerton, a fellow missionary. She did a great job translating. All in all it went very well and I'm grateful for your prayers.
In the past I'd (still Marla) mentioned several adolecent girls who I felt led to get to know better and possibly start a discipling/mentoring relationship with. This is something that I've been praying about for months and had seen little results or open doors. Well yesterday two of the girls came over for several hours to visit and learn how to make "American" cookies. One of them recently accepted Christ at the Vacation Bible School we helped with. Anyway God is good and really helped us be able to communicate and laugh and enjoy one another's company. I taught them how to make homemade oreo's, we visited and before they left I extended an invitation for them to come over once a week for a time of Bible study and hanging out. They said they'd think about it.....So, your prayers are coveted...that if this is something God is orchestrating that the hearts of these girls will be moved and they will respond to Him. Also for wisdom for me as I continue to get to know them better and maybe take on this role of mentor.....
Micah here again. In looking back, Carnaval was a crazy time. A time, I believe, when the enemy is hard at work, and this year was no exception. At one point I could literally feel an opprosive presence downtown. Feeling such things is still something I'm not used to, and even now am having a hard time putting it down on paper. But there wasn't a fear or anything like that, just a conscouiness that something else was out there, something oppressive. Anyway, alot of prayer went into this past weekend. We had activities at our church, and in general had a lot of fun. My guys group continues to go, and God has been so good in being there each time we meet togather. These guys seem so much like sponges soaking up the Word of God, and enjoying the deep fellowship with one another. (Just a point of interest, the Portugese word for fellowship is "communion," or as they say it "communao"). At times it seems like we are making some great headway, but then the enemy attacks. Distractions, sin, them seperating themselves (usually as a result of sin), girlfriends...the list could go on and on. All of this reminds my that this group is still in need of prayer cover.
Marla and I have also been assigned the task of making a video for the churches 1 year birthday party. Projects like these can easily become all consuming so we are trying to get things done while maintaning balance in other areas of life. And I've began reading again "Practicing th Presence of God," a Christian classic by Brother Lawrence. For those of you not familar with the book, it was written by a monk hundreds of years ago who took Paul's instruction to "pray without ceasing" literally. He developed a practice of communing with God all throughout the day. The difference between simply having devotions, and being a man of devotion. About half way through the book, I was hit with the realization that the words and the message of the book were simply remaining theoretical to me. Simply a good idea, maybe a goal to reach for "someday." I was challanged to begin to put into practice the things that I was reading in a very practical way. I gotta admit, it's not very easy, and I feel I've only taken the first step on this mountain climb. But I've taken it. And it wasn't a step taken without thought, it wasn't that I hadn't counted the cost. I guess it was the cost that kept me from taking the step the first time I read the book years ago.
The cost of becoming one of those people who see God in everything. One of those people who talk about God without ceasing. Every event, of every day is somehow related to God and what He is doing. In a strictly "spiritual, missionary way," I can tell you I have been around those people in the past, and to be honest, I found them to be kind of annoying. I mean can't things just happen with out God's constant work behind the scenes. Can everything that ever happens really be the subjest of a Bible study or a monolouge on God's goodness, or chastening or whatever. I mean is God behind me turning on the TV, or mowing the grass? What about when my bike needs repaired, or we need to go to the store to buy groceries, can't we just kinda handle those things on our own, and involve God in the bigger disicions. But if this second viewpoint is true, what then do we do with Act 17:28 that says; "for in him we live, and move, and have our being?" I guess to tell you the truth, those people always made me uncomfortable. I guess I felt a little "less spiritual" when they spoke of seeing God in everything. Like what was wrong with me, that I didn't see Him where they saw Him...that I didn't even look. I guess I feared bringing that same uncomforatible feeling to those around me. I mean isn't it far easier to talk about the Seahawks than the things that really matter. And why is it that bringing up spiritual topics always leaves someone squirming just a bit. I guess I assumed this squirming and uncomfortableness was a bad thing. But above all I erred in thinking that those type of people, those who seem to talk all the time about God, were talking about Him to gain some response from me. No, their talking about Him had nothing to do with me. Like talking to someone who has just started to date, or is interested in dating one particular person, they can't help always stearing the converstaion back to "perfect miss (or Mr.) so-and-so." It's expected, it's natural.
So I'm taking this step, realizing more and more that I won't fit back into life at home the way I did when I left. It might make people a little uncomfortable. But this descsion isn't about other people, it's about God and it's about me. And As I start this experiment, I'm finding that He is there, in every step, in every breath. As an example, just yesterday I got stumped on my video project, so I asked God a technical question about a video program, and what'd ya know...he aswered me. I guess I never thought of God as a computer tecky. Maker of the universe...sure, saver of my soul...you bet; but a computer tecky? And it's more than just answers to life's everyday questions that envokes me to embarque on the journey. It's the promise of the every day with Him, the beauty of every moment. Surely what uncomprehendable joy awaits as I seek the ability of living every moment in the peace and the presence, in communion, with the maker of my soul.
Anyway, prayer requests: For my guys group, for Marla's interactions with these teenage girls, details for next year, effeciancy working on the birthday video and continued good health.You guys are soo appriciated and loved.
in Him,
Micah and Marla
***************Cliffnotes: "March Mail"**************
This email we both wrote a bit about Brazilian Carnival, and some other activities that we are involved in
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